If you use or copy any of the following files, it will be considered that you agree to abide by the Licensing Agreement detailed in the Copyright section of the accompanying Help file. If you do not agree to the Licensing Agreement there, please permanently delete all of the files (from the following list) which you have. ---- What is included: ReadMe.txt This file CRWiz.exe ClevRes Wizard (see below) Clevres.hlp Clever Resizer Help clevres.cnt Clever Resizer Help Contents MClevRes.bas Constants used by the CClevRes class modCRLtd.bas Helpful Messages used by the CClevRes class as described in Help-Overview What is excluded: CCLevRes.cls The actual Clever Resizer class - you will receive this by e-mail after registering About ClevRes Wizard This wizard generates the code which is required for Clever Resizer to make your forms dynamic. The wizard itself is purposefully built using the CClevRes class. It therefore demonstrates some of Clever Resizer's functions as described in Help-Overview. The wizard form contains more than 150 controls most of which are not in a control array. This will give you some idea of the form's loading and resize speed. Try switching 'New Form' check box off and resizing the wizard when it displays the code for the various procedures to see the usefulness of some of Clever Resizer's functions.